AI Index / Oracle Corporation
Oracle Corporation (ORCL)
Oracle, a cloud computing and software provider, earns revenue from its cloud infrastructure (OCI), software licenses and support services. AI is incorporated into its autonomous databases, supporting automation in data management, security and scalability. Oracle’s cloud infrastructure also includes NVIDIA GPU clusters to train large-scale AI models, alongside security features such as biometric authentication and zero-trust architecture
Location: US
Market Cap: $527.5B
Today, Oracle has 162 cloud data centers, live and under construction throughout the world. The largest of these data centers is 800 megawatts, and it will contain acres of NVIDIA GP clusters able to train the world's largest AI models.
- Lawrence Ellison
Quotes from oracle Executives About Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI
Building giant data centers with ultra-high apartments RDMA networks and huge 32,000 node NVIDIA GPU clusters is something that Oracle has proven to be very good at. It's the reason we're doing so well in the AI training business.
- Lawrence Ellison's still the world's only autonomous, fully self-driving database.
- Lawrence Ellison
...there are going to be a lot of very specialized models. I can tell you things that I'm personally involved in, which are using computers to look at biopsies of slides or CAT scans to discover cancer...
- Lawrence Ellison
...there's no slowdown or shift coming [in AI].
- Lawrence Ellison
...when you have a completely autonomous database, there is no -- the DBA, the database administrator is a robot. There is no human labor associated with managing the Oracle Autonomous Database.
- Lawrence Ellison